Jane Baldwin

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PUBLICATION: Magazine Gitz vol.9 | Resonant Voices

23 x 30 cm
Soft cover / Perfect binding
104 pages
ISSN 2093-7970

Publisher's Letter
Introduction by Anne Veh
Artist Lonnie Graham
Artist Jane Baldwin


Publisher’s Letter
Resonance means something rings true in one another,
influences one another.
The waves spread far.
It means empathizing with something and following it,
and when the vibration amplifies and deepens
different things meet to become stronger.

We are looking for a witness to life,
someone who will listen to our stories,
wipe away tears,
hold our hand.
We are looking to become one again.

As temporary visitors,

where do we come from
where are we going?

With the language of light,
which is like a spell,
returning to that road,

we face and embrace the land
with the deep eyes of the sky.

To all those who are searching for a path,

it is the light arriving,
the warm air rising,
the fair and upright, unbiased
conversation resounding between us all.

In the playground of light
a quiet sound of the world can be heard.
You are here in the place I emptied myself.
As a single circle,
as a river flowing with life
we ask the way back.

Sangyon Joo, Director of the Datz Museum of Art

*This volume is published in conjunction with the exhibition “Resonant Voices”, which held from Sep. 9, 2017 to Feb. 25, 2018 at the Datz Museum of Art, Korea.